The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Cock of the North

Down south early doors.
This is the weathervane on the coach-house roof of the Doctor's house across from my Mum's. Old Dr Moir, who attended to me as a wean used to live there before Dr Brown, and now Dr Gordon who is now an elderly chap himself.
Moir had himself made a fine black headstone which lay in front of Kirk many years before his denouement. It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen as I child and I hurried past it. Hopefully he eventually got some use out of it.

Btw STOP PRESS Captain Beefheart special! Next Click Clack Club next Thursday 13 January, 9 - 11.30pm, as usual at the Forest Café, Bristo Place. EGO ERGO AGGRO are furiously rehearsing several of the good Captain's tunes, and hope to have a couple of special guests....

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