
By craftynini


You've guessed by now that I don't play rugby for Scotland. I don't play rugby as a hobby. But I have a gumshield nonetheless. Strange looking isn't it and just a ta creepy I think.

In fact I have three (made in varying degrees of plyability), that arrrived in the post from Dundee the other day.

After the hoo haaah with my teeth and recent root canal treatment, it was suggested that I have a night tooth guard made (as I clench my teeth). On Christmas day, Gogs kindly took a mould of my teeth and promptly made me my gumshields.

After I got over the initial wretching (basically every time I put the thing in my mouth), I slept with it in last night and it bloody works! View large for extra big teeth.

Ta Gogs.

Please check out my baby brother's blip, he's very witty. Wittier than me in fact and my sister in law's journal. They are both new the blip and photography and need some encouragement and critique.

Have agood day y'all and thank got it's a new week, last week was s***e.

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