Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Dogwoodpuddle and The Goblet of Fire

Leftover champagne soothes the remnants of "manflu" as I soak in the hot tub and convert my vitamin D in the afternoon Sun. I was awakened at 03:30 this morning after dreaming about being rolled up in a carpet and suffocated with a plastic bag. So I climbed out of bed and had coffee as it's very hard to fall back asleep when you can't breathe out of your nose, and especially when it feels like someone is shoving fiery hot pokers into your sinuses. I started on antibiotics yesterday. My sinuses will be my death some day, all the result of swimming in the Potomac River as a teenager.

Sorry to wax poetic about my illness. Don't want to sound as if I'm whining even though I am. Fortunately I'm still on vacation until Thursday.

Many thanks to the Scintilla Family who must have shipped this "manflu" in from Alaska on those horse blankets you sent for Christmas.

Hope you all are staying well

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