Paws for delete

It's been (it still is!) a busy, busy, busy day. I have lots of deadlines, but I'm quite happy about it. It's nice to be occupied with lots of interesting work.

Whisky has been his usual useless desk-buddy self. All sleep and no making tea or fetching biscuits for this frantically typing, text-box-shifting, translating, thinking, googling, cutting, pasting, emailing lady. His paws were asleep over the delete key of the keyboard. The delete key is used often and, needless to say, the paws didn't stay there for long - sleeping cats do not like constant nudging.

The good news is that the boiler man fixed the boiler and discovered the electrical fault that was tripping the electrical circuit before Christmas. Thank goodness the electrics were all sorted last year and the boiler was earthed and set into a circuit that shuts down when in danger! One of the pipes from the boiler had started leaking from a nut and this tiny leak had found its way into the electrical switch box for the boiler. Gah! The leak and pump pressure are fixed and now we can have heating and hot water on at the same time. Big Yay!

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