Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Dried Wasp Nest

Yep, another emergency blip.

Today has been hot and sunny, and very, very busy at work. Roll on the end of the school holidays.

(I'm having trouble typing this as Sophia is trying to sit on my lap at the same time).

My husband went to Brisbane today (he's actually on holiday) to help his boss clean up after the flood, they've been lucky, only a damaged carpet. If it had been any worse they would have closed the company down as they wouldn't be able to afford to replace all the photographic equipment.

The big clean up is well under way as is all the fundraising. Australians are like the British they all pull together in a crisis. The community spirit is amazing.

They've been holding barbecues at the end of flood ravaged roads, partly to use up all the food that was going to waste when the power was turned off partly to get people together and to give them something to do.

But now there is plenty to do, the clean up will take a long time.

There are still a lot of people missing, and they say some may never be found,
so sad.

Also, spare a thought for the people in Brazil, with 500 killed in there flash floods so far.

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