My Angle

By myangle

Lota Creek Residence

The fellow who lives in the boat on the right has managed to level it out a bit since this shot.

Speaking of level, Panorama pointed out that my horizon wasn't straight yesterday. I like honest commentry. However... I have a feeling that the lens I used (cheap and nasty) actually bends the horizon on the left at 18mm. It is something I have noticed before.

Mind you, I have never been good at getting my horizons straight, usually relying on a Photoshop fix.

This wasn't my first choice of blip for today. The reason I didn't use my first choice is that I want to go back and shoot it another day with a better lens. At least I have a blip up my sleeve!

I asked Jo if she wanted to come for a drive along the waterfront so I could look for a blip. When we when outside I noticed that one of my tyres was almost completely flat. I did think the car was a bit wobbly on the way home from work....on the the rain!

So we took Jo's old Corolla for a drive. 2 speed auto. I changed the tyre when we got back.

The weather has closed in even worse than the past few weeks. I can't believe that the last really clear, hot day was before Christmas! Right now is is pouring with rain. Our tally this moring was nearly 25mm since the beginning of the year. That will probably double by tomorrow.

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