Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

A Mystery

This is a mysterious lapel badge I came across during the Christmas period. It was languishing in the pocket of a jacket which I'd forgotten I had because it was on a hanger under one of those protective, folding clothes-carrying cover things. I took out the cover to use it for carrying around a change of clothes for Christmas Day and wore the re-discovered jacket on another occasion, which is when i found the lapel badge. Now I'm totally flummoxed about its significance. Items in other jacket pockets suggest that I last wore it in June 2007, but I can't recall acquiring the badge.

So here's an appeal for help -- can anybody in Blipland identify the design and tell me what it's all about. It isn't world-shatteringly important that I get an answer, but I'd hate to wear the thing if it turns out to represent some weird secret society or something like that.

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