
By RustyKlicker

Breakfast at last!!

This my breakfast blip for the 'missymoo' challenge.

I left it until this morning as knew I was 'dining' with my brother and his kids. The plateful in view is the Caledonian Breakfast and you get two of these with all the coffee and refills you can manage for £10, any day before noon. Decent value, and with my fast growing son and me involved, I am certain the restaurant cant be making money at that.

The service in the place does leave a lot to be desired and if the food wasn't so cheap, I certainly wouldn't visit this particular outlet. (Livingston for those who live near. The Gyle outlet is much better and has the same deal).

This is the first outing for the new toy, a Canon SX30IS 'bridge camera'. The subject is not the most creative for the first offering but I was testing the capability in very low lighting. For those who have dined in one of these outlets, its very dim indeed and even the camera was screaming silently, 'use flash please'.

I was also very close to getting egg on the lens so this almost qualified for next weeks challenge of 'Macro'.

Anyway, a simple blip for now and I am satisfied with the operation of the camera in low light. I got some other quite decent shots of the children without using flash.

Looking forward to the rest of the day now with perhaps a snooze in front of the fire, if my daughter and her friends ever get out of their sleeping bags in the lounge!! I don't remember sleeping this late when I was their age....oh yes, actually I do, its being their age that I can't remember.

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