Five things

By fivethings

Delivered, signed and sealed.

1. My divorce papers arrived this morning. It was wet and wild outside and they were tatty and wet to touch as they were posted through the letter box. I didn't know that's what the grotty envelope was until much later, when it had dried out and a suprisingly light document, neatly marked with places to sign sat on my breakfast table. No one sees any reason to argue.
2. Wet and wild but it doesn't matter. Heading out in the weather makes me feel glad. Wind and rain with a destination is better than just plain wind and rain.
3. Drying out by the fire in a pub with my two oldest friends. I am silly not to have made sure there was a photo of all three of us. Instead I picked this one of Fiona and I. Lynn took the picture. We three have known each other for more than twenty years. We sat for the day, as we sometimes do, a bloody mary and wine or two at the table. We chat and we laugh. We share and we advise. The closing line in Stand by Me comes back to me so often 'I never had friends like the ones I had when I was 12. Hell does anyone?'.

Three things seem like enough today. These three seem to fill my world.

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