Stage 1

For the past few months we've been working on a big project. Lots and lots of research and finally we're getting to the design phase of this site. It's been interesting as we have a new person on staff, a UX (usability) consultant who has been conducting the research and facilitating the design process.

This is stage 1, the assembling of the (post-it note) elements, then a wireframe was developed, then a block diagram with layout concepts and then finally a visual design. The team are heading down tomorrow to present it.

Lots and lots of work in it so I hope it goes well. Lots of work myself again today and then brain started easing back into gear, finally. Tomorrow will be easier again.

Some big decisions to make for a client pitch, it's going to be a full day.

Exercised this morning, got the heart rate monitor going. Fantastic. The training has begun.

EQC (Earthquake Commission) also called tonight to assess damage over the phone. We had minor cracking internally on many walls, specifically over doors. They did a rough calculation and gave me a figure. To be honest, it sounded a bit silly so I said to the guy the damage wasn't that bad. However, he said this was how it was being calculated. Keep the money and take a holiday he said!

If they do pay the amount I'll feel guilty ...

Training: Exercycle- 30 mins

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