autumn joy

By autumnjoy

Snowglobe World

Today I laid on the couch reading by Christmas lights and watched this snowglobe world around me. The snowflakes were outrageously big. And beautiful.

I'd have liked to run outside and catch them on my tongue and face.

Today brings to mind: a lyric, a poem, and a song...

This lyric: "Waking before you, I've got a fever and a childish wish for snow."
This song: Punch Brothers - "Missy"
This poem: Ecclesiastes 11:1 by Richard Wilbur

We must cast our bread
Upon the waters, as the
Ancient preacher said,

Trusting that it may
Amply be restored to us
After many a day.

That old metaphor,
Drawn from rice farming on the
River's flooded shore,

Helps us to believe
That it's no great sin to give,
Hoping to receive.

Therefore I shall throw
Broken bread, this sullen day,
Out across the snow,

Betting crust and crumb
That birds will gather, and that
One more spring will come.

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