
By craftynini

'Reaching Out'

You'd be bonkers not to look at this LARGE....

I know, I have pictured this Virginia Creeper previously. In the frost.

It is just so good looking and interesting that I felt no guilt in photographing it again.

I took Joseph to 'Mums and Tots' this morning and he is now recuperating on the couch with his noo noo! It's been so long since we were last there, that he found the whole experience fun, exciting but very stressful. He's used to playing with Pip and her 8 year old girlfriends, not toddler boys.

Other children had the brass neck to take the bike/car/balls away from him when he had put them down. Or in some cases they stole them when he was actually holding them. Shocking.

The final straw was when all the children and mums sang 'See the Little Bunnies Sleeping' together and very loudly. When he finally stopped crying when we got home, he informed me that he got a wee fright... ... No bloody wonder!

Anyway he is up for going back tomorrow and this time I have told him to knock 7 bells out of any child who tries to mess with him.
That's called modern parenting.

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