a town called E.

By Eej

Onwards ...

That was soooo much FUN! I highly recommend having a Blipday as it's rather fantastic. I plan on stopping by everyone who stopped by, but in all honesty: it could take me a while and I might give up before I reach #126. Just so you know.

With the festivities coming to an end, the every day reality has come back with a vengeance. The company the Beloved worked for in December has yet to offer anything for this month, and with unemployment benefits all gone, and us up the creek without a paddle ... well, I think I may be cultivating an ulcer out of stress. Though, typing it out really helps :)

On the bright side: I was trained for my new task today, which went swimmingly according to my boss. I just need to figure out how to manage my time, with all the other things I'm doing. And the other boss said he has things he wants to train me in that are computer related. A hearty YAY to that, as computers and me are like two hands on one belly*. Usually.

The path in the photo connects one part of town with the other. The only ones using it (based on prints I found) are squirrels, deer, rabbits, the occasional raccoon, me and the 420 kings. No sign of the 269 ninjas that leave tags along the abandoned railroad. Oooooh. I should do a series. Stoners - Ninjas. But I'm not taking any bets on who the more prolific group will turn out to be :)

*from the Dutch: "twee handen op een buik". I guess it translates less literally to: thick as thieves?

Oh, and I only just now just spotted my first one-year-ago thumbnail. Aw. *wipes tear*

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