View from my bedroom window

There are days when I get so fed up of gales and horizontal rain, endless wind and damp grey days; of springs when the soil is waterlogged and you can't make a start on cultivating it, summers when all the seedlings get blasted by the wind and end up blackened and plants get torn out of the ground by the gales. Last summer the leaves were ripped from the rhubarb in one gale!

Then you get a view like this and you realise it could be a lot worse! I'd just got through to get changed, looked out the window and this was it - all I have done is crop it.

As has been pointed out to me in the past, you can always buy vegetables and flowers! In October I bought a little, knee high, windproof cloche to protect my winter leeks. After last weeks gales, the metal hoops are still in the ground, but the fabric is long gone - Norway, I think! This is in the most sheltered bit of the vegetable garden, with a wall round it! So glad I didn't go for a poly tunnel having seen some sorry specimens in the last few days. Must be so upsetting and frustrating.

Back to work tomorrow, will be nice to see everyone and catch up on what they've been doing over the last fortnight, but will miss being home with Ollie.

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