4 generations

If you include me and James, there have been 4 generations of our family in the house this afternoon, with Grandma and Great Aunty Rose coming to visit, with Mum acting as chauffeur.

Poor Corin, having to put up with 4 ladies from the Lee clan. Teehee.

They swept in, kind of like a whirlwind on a zimmer frame - it was kind of lively, devastating and slow all at the same time!

Grandma seemed to be surprisingly interested in Carlos the Bearded Dragon. Aunty Rose thought that he must have a very boring life and suggested I buy a lady dragon to keep him entertained.

They make me chuckle quietly to myself. Aunty Rose wanted to look out of our bedroom window so she could figure out where the cat went when he wandered out and jumped over the fence (only into the ginnel behind the house, but she acted like he had jumped into a foreign land or something "James, will he come back from there?")

The house is full of "new fangled things", some of which Aunty Rose liked the idea of (the alarm clock with the light that mimics a sunrise), and some which she said would annoy her to bits (the xbox with it's low level noise coming from the spinning disk).

Grandma has brought me a number of dates and names associated with the family for me to use when looking at the family tree. She has also loaned me a number of death and birth certificates to scan for my records too.

A bit of a gossip, a cup of tea, talk of Geoff, and of Uncle Biddo who also passed away, I think the same day as Geoff.

James retreated to his bedroom for sanctuary, but nowhere was safe as the senior generation managed the stairs to get up into his room. "Is that James' bed?" asked Grandma when she saw his cabin bed. "What happens when he suddenly gets tall?"

Aunty Rose pronounced that our house was too small, as if she lived in it, she wouldn't have enough room to collect all of the 'junk' that she accumulates.

Got one photo of Mum and her response was "Yes, thanks for that Sarah"

Then they left. To visit Tesco in Warrington. Mum's joy was unbounded as she knows she has at least 3 hours to spend in there watching tins being lifted off shelves, compared and then put back on the shelves...

I guess this will come to me one day!

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