Starting over

By debra

Today maybe Tomorrow

I woke up earlier than usual this morning. I knew I had to go see Eddie, as I was told he was probably going to die today. I took my time going over there because, well, I suppose I was a little nervous. It's not everyday you have to say goodbye to someone for the last time.

Eddie is my ex father in-law, and though most of my exes family hated me with the worst passion, he was always kind and accepting. I'll never forget the day of my daughters graduation, as sick as Eddie was, he came to see his Grandaughter graduate. He walked about 1/4 mile from the parking lot down to the ceremony at the field. Carrying a cane and breathing heavy, I thought for sure he was going to pass out, but he didn't, he sat down and watched his grandbaby recieve her diploma, and then walked back up the hill to his truck and headed home. I get tears in my eyes thinking about that.

I made it to Eddies and I got to see him. we chatted a bit, although for some reason he was speaking Spanish to me. I don't know what it meant or even if he knew, but It was a lovely visit. A few tears and a kiss on the forehead. "Love ya"

Bye Dad, I'll see you again one day.

I'll be seeing you

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