Surfing the Storm

Just prior to leaving the beach a day early due to flood warnings, what do you do??? Go ride the waves of course!!
I fun time for them but quite worrying for those of us on the front beach as the sea continued to eat away at our bank and take away the sand in front. We had a drop of about 1m by the end of the first hour of high tide, and it was getting worse when we left. A wierd experience leaving your house to the elements and not being able to check on it later. We did make the right decision to go then as we still had to drive through raging rivers of water flooding across the roads as it was.We have a Land crusier so had no particular worries but a number of cars were turning back. It does help if you get there before the poilice as you can then make your own decision rather than have them close the roads as a precaution. Timing was perfect. Meant we were able to watch the Australian Open tennis last night after a frustrating time having to read scores in the paper the next day. Flight home today to the shakey city and have enjoyed the stable ground so far this day...

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