Snaps that came out well

By timr

Not blipped a sunrise before (not difficult to figure an obvious reason for that) but, unusually, was up early this morning and spotted one in the rear-view mirror. Fortunately I had my reserve compact camera with me in the car, found a safe and convenient place to pull over and had a go. Not brilliant - I couldn't get it to focus or expose properly - but it's what you're getting today so don't grumble.

[NOTE : Was going to withdraw this picture and re-post it after having tweaked colours a bit - but I didn't out of courtesy to those of you that have already commented. The reason I nearly did was because I noticed that, after playing with the colours and curves a bit, the sun looked like a perfectly loverly [i]heart[/i] shape and thought you blippers might have approved. So, instead, I've posted it here]

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