Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Connected with the User

Its been nearly a year since I made the switch to a Mac. I'm pleased to say I've missed neither the blue screen of death nor impertinent messages telling me that I've 'performed an illegal operation and will be shut down' that I became all too accustomed to in Bill's world.

Over at Steve's world, things are much more civilised. No crashes, no annoyingly unhelpful messages, just the 'Hey! I'm made by Apple and I'm here to do all the stuff that makes your life with a computer easy. I won't make a fuss about it. I won't tell you there is a fatal exception at ce0fad0034e45, because it means nothing to you and there's nothing you could have done about it anyway. You'd much rather my OS did what its supposed to do rather than complain at you at the first sign of trouble in a 'I'm a spoilt three year old and I'm going to whine at you because I can kind of way.'

I like things simple and straightforward, which usually means quick and easy to use. I haven't needed to restart just because I installed / uninstalled a new piece of software, no I just drag the app in an out of the app folder to install / uninstall. Thats it. Done. Easy. Stuff just works.

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