Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Morning moon

Oh what choice!
Oh what a decision!

It was such a gorgeous morning and I took a number of shots before heading off to work, and one or two more unusual than most.

I've never seen a rainbow on a frosty clear morning, and it was gorgeous but didn't come out as well as hoped so it didn't make it.
Another sunrise or two I thought were quite good, but one was a bit misty and another a bit of lens flare, so they didn't make it.

(but they can be seen if you are interested on my Flickr here)

In the end, that left me with this cropped shot of the moon, and whilst it's nowhere as good as some with more powerful lenses, I thought the fact it was taken in the morning with a 10x zoom and no tripod, it wasn't bad!

Anyway, have been really enjoying looking at other blips, and am really amazed at the quality of the shots from a lot of contributors. I may be biased, but I love finding a Scottish contributor, and have found a few by simply looking at the landmarks in the blips.
It's like a little game, "guess the blip-location", before I read the biog.

So thanks all for your comments and subscriptions, I'm trying to respond to you all, but it takes a bit of time!

Hope you are all having a sunny

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