secret garden

By freespiral

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday afternoon
I've got no mind to worry
I close my eyes and drift away-a

Actually I'm cheating a bit as this was taken around 10.30am on my way to get the papers. The usual 15 minute journey took me three quarters of an hour as the sky was amazing, and the sea so still - I was leaping in and out of the car all the way along the coast and numerous blips had to be taken. By the time I got to Durrus Mass had just finished and the place was heaving, so I abandoned any notion of croissants, my usual Sunday treat.
Driving home. all spectacularness had gone to be replaced by grey - just amazing how fast the weather can change.

The sun re-appeared later and another profitable hour or two was spent in the garden tackling the brambles while they're still relatively small.

Now all chores are finished, tea is made and the Small Faces came to mind. Showing my age!!

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