Capital adventures

By marchmont

Stairs look better in moonlight

Bad night, didn't sleep. Thoughts of Mari going round and round in my head. How, why, my fault, could I have changed things, can I change things?? Hate living like this. At 2.30 a.m. ended up phoning #1 son in KL for a chat. 8 hours difference means he should have been awake and I should have been asleep - the reverse was true. Then played with the camera on my phone and discovered it did all sorts of effects , only had it 3 years - slow learner.

Got up late and went to the gym & pool. In my emotional state the music playing was bad, bad - I hollered whenever whoever was singing started on 'The first time ever I saw your face'.

The photo was taken on the way back to the flat - a view up the stairwell to the cupola with 'moonlight' effect.

The rest of the day was spent loading software on my 'new ' laptop. Life can only get better.

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