
By flying


Botanical name: Griselinia littoralis
Common name: Broadleaf
Maori name: Papauma, Kapuka

A broad spreading tree with thick, shiny, broad leaves with a yellow outline which is enhanced in the light. The flowers are small greenish-white and the berries purplish-black, quite small. It is widespread throughout New Zealand.

Perhaps not the best of photographs today but the sky was a wonderful blue and I found myself standing under our broadleaf tree looking up at the leaves and watching them flicker in the breeze capturing the light.

I was thankful to receive your warm and encouraging words yesterday about Daughter E's subjects. I was able to ring school this morning and spoke to her dean. At first there was no point on visiting the school but further into the conversation her dean changed her mind and said 'Come now'. Well it was rush, rush - grab shoes, ring Hubby and get into the car and go. We spent the whole morning at school going from teacher to teacher, but finally came away with some answers and some subjects for Daughter E and the right subjects - Yay!!!!
In some cases she will be sitting in classes not in her Year group but having to work individually with the teacher overseeing where need be. This is fine, it allows Daughter E to take the subjects she requires, and shes a quiet studious sort of girl who will get on with her work.

Thankgoodness thats sorted and now we can all breath a sigh of relief. It is her last year at school therefore the anxious moments. Leaving school was an option the dean was aiming for but there are no jobs and Hubby and I wanted the last qualification behind Daugther E in case there is a change of heart in her career path. I hope we weren't being too unrealistic but in the end it has worked out, I'm pleased we didn't just brush it aside.

Many thanks for your encouraging words, they were a big help :))

The New Zealand Broadleaf leaves shining in the light against the blue sky, what a day its been!!

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