Plums and jandal weather

Up and out for our morning constitutional.

The sky looked as if it might pour forth rain, but it was super warm, even before 7 am.

Off to work.

Form time, followed by a Powhiri to welcome new staff and students to the school.

A break (with chocolate biscuits) and then off to our Big Afternoon Out. It is a House event, which enables our students to build relationships with other students in our House.

It has been a long day, with lots of rushing around and trying to motivate hot, cranky and lazy students.

Home to pick up all the plums off the lawn so that Cousteau doesn't eat them all and get sick.

Off to walk him again in a moment and then to Mass.

Today, I've been living in New Zealand (give or take) for eleven years! How the time has flown.

Another hectic day tomorrow - Sports Day. Groan. =(

Just noticed that I have 666 subscribers. I hope I find another one soon. That number is a little disconcerting!

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