
By sandraatje

Puno to Cusco

After saying goodbye to one of our fellow-travelers, we went from Puno to Cusco, but rather than taking the normal bus we decided to take a more touristic plan. We first got out at a village where there was a museum. Rather than entering the two of us walked around a bit.

The second stop was the highest point in the route (4300 meter above sea level; it almost sounds like nothing to me by now ;) ). The third stop lunch, very important, where there was also a little lama, just born yesterday.

The fourth stop was Raqchi, which is the ruins of the village you can see on the picture, and the fifth and last was a beautiful ?Sistine chapel of America? in Andahuaylillas.

In the evening we tried some typical Peruvian food ? Cuy (guinea pig) ? and it tasted quite good, although you feel a bit bad when you?re looking in the eyes of the guinea pig on your plate. We also took some typical Peruvian drink: pisco sour.

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