One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Life is too short for boring hats

And life is too short for not telling the wearer of a colourful hat that you actually enjoy every little bit of colourful feathery edelweissy treat randomly thrown your way.
This is exactly what I did.
I complimented Dave on his amazing hat. It was a breath of fresh air in the ready made meals aisle of my local Tesco (where breaths of fresh air are few and far between).
I was totally sincere. And he knew it.
Apparently this is his dress down hat, his wife gave him a much more flamboyant one. But he wears it on Saturdays only.

I find that in my 40s I am more inclined to say what I think rather than hold back.

I also walked out of a painfully boring conversation in the pub the other day. I could not face another hour of that ordeal for the sake of politeness. The perpetrator is someone that I meet every 5 or 7 years, the mate of a mate.
I just said: "Well guys, I'm bored. Good night"
Mrs Raheny and I bumped into him and his wife not 2 weeks later in a park and had to make awkward conversation for a couple of minutes... every 5 or 7 years my fluffy bottom...

Still. I am less and less inclined to take any shit these days.
Life's too short you see...

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