Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


What a strange day!

Lots to do, running kids to school, fixing radiator, writing letters, shopping etc.

I was excited to hear the weather forecast this morning that promised some sunshine followed by rain - in other words some blue skies and broken clouds. A welcome change from the persistent grey that we have had for days now.

It took a while to arrive but sure enough just after lunchtime I jumped into the car to drive to the only hill for miles around. After a bit of muddy trekking I had huge flat open vistas of Hertfordshire and countryside. Panorama time!

The clouds were moving quite quickly so I took the opportunity to try out a Neutral Density filter to get some long exposures.

After loads of shots, stitching together in PS etc. I thought this was the most interesting.

The object is a trig. point (triangulation point). These are dotted around the UK as fixed points for surveyors to use to draw maps. I suppose with satellite imagery these will become redundant.

The thing is - if I was going to photograph clouds I didn't need to trek up a hill!

Funnily enough on top of the hill the only other person was a photographer, who has taken up the challenge taking a photo in every square of the map for the entire UK. He was full of suggestions of where to go locally for photos.

So, a funny old day, not according to plan but very fruitful nonetheless.

Many thanks to everyone who commented upon my oranges yesterday, I saw no comments for ages and I was thinking I had put everyone off with my depressive ramblings.

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