
By RustyKlicker

The Scotsman

This guy is my favourite thing in our kitchen. He looks after the wine before dinner and looks great while he is doing it. If the wine has been drunk, he harbours an empty bottle just so he can keep his head on straight.

I first saw these a few years ago now, in a small craft shop, I think it was on the Isle of Skye, and for those who haven't visited the highlands and islands of Scotland yet, please do so this year. (summer might be best as it rains a little less then)

As I have said before, my favourite 'art' has always been photography but if there is a second place it has to go to the smaller, more quirky things like this. There are plenty examples around but I just love the clever design and skill required to produce this sort of stuff.

I am nearly sure these will now be virtually mass produced by a machine as they are available in lots of outlets now, but I like the thought of the original artist, hand crafting the first few designs and hoping that people would like them. Great cottage industry in the making.

Anyway, that's my shot for today, no real work today, just a bit of tele, coffee and cake, read the paper (Sunday papers are far too big don't you think) and out to dinner with the family later, venue still to be decided.

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