X Sighted

By q8rdave


Ahhh - The perfect Valentine for the orchid fans that watch my page.

This is the 9th in ASOPOMO (A Series Of Photographs Of My Orchids). A dear friend gave me a division of his BLC (a hybrid of 3 genera - Brassavola x Laelia x Cattleya) Meditation 'King's Ransom' AM/AOS as a gift when I built my greenhouse in 1985. BC Deesse x LC Fedora are its parents. The Royal Horticultural Society that has charge of the cataloguing of all orchid hybrids (overworked they must be!) recorded the hybrid in 1974. It has been divided and given to many friends over the years. I now have 5 plants of my own. This is one of two blooming periods in the year. It is extremely fragrant as are most (all?) white Cats. It is one of those gigantic flowers that always impresses with its 7" span, exotic perfume and sheer beauty.

Meditate on this, baby!

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