mini moments.

By miniaturehero

it's a big, big city.

It's four in the morning & I'm walking alone beside the ghost of every drinker who's ever done wrong. And it's you - woohoo - who's got me going crazy for the things you do. So if you're crazy, I don't care, you amaze me. - the Fratellis - Whistle for the Choir

Today, it's sunny. As previously mentioned (at some point), I love winter sun. It even manages to make Manchester look pretty. I went out for a run this morning, and went for a walk this afternoon just because it was sunny and I wanted to make the most of it (and the intestinal phase of gastric secretions was making me explode slightly on the inside and I needed pasta/juice from LIDL). This is a wall. I tried to take some photo of me jumping in piles of leaves, but it's quite difficult on your own and tripod-less. Needless to say, I looked like a bit of an idiot, but it cheered me up.

I love Whistle for the Choir by the Fratellis. I can safely say, it's my favourite song of all time. The lyrics never fail to make me smile. I had it on when I was wandering and it made me happy.

Tonight I'm going to Gold Teeth at Deaf Institute with my new PBL group...I'm quite excited :)

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