Dave's Views

By davethespoon

My Beautiful Launderette

Another night another meeting. This time the Green Party AGM. An interesting talk about community renewable energy projects followed by a tedious but necessary business meeting voting in various officers and arm twisting to get people to do more than they can really fit into their already busy lives. Nothing unusual here, in my experience most voluntary organisations are similar, struggling on against the odds. I kept my head down and managed to offload some responsibility for website maintenance, I can't any longer do voluntary website work on top of my paid website work... it'll drive me madder than I am already if I'm not careful.

Coming out of the Old Town Hall after the meeting we found the streets glistening with rain but as it was mild and calm I took the chance to take a few nightscapes. This one is looking up from the top of Stroud High Street over The Cross to the old Co-op and Nelson Street. The Co-op is indeed a beautiful building which now houses a less beautiful launderette and The Silver Rooms, now empty, was until recently a slot machine arcade. I am pleased to say I've never needed to visit either of these establishments despite walking past them most days.

Long exposure and light trails of passing car turning right into Nelson Street gives some extra foreground interest.

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