
By SueScape

Wet cloisters

Close to where I live, there is said to be a ley line with, along this part of its length, several remarkable churchs [including one with 14th century wall paintings, one with the flying Angel Gabriel statue I blipped earlier, and one with Burne-Jones windows], a White Eagle Healing Temple and a Buddhist Monastery. Each one is interesting in its own right. This cloister is [perhaps surprisingly] at the Buddhist Monastery, where they are continually improving and extending - as you can see the roof is not quite finished here. Today I went to their Dharma Hall to clear my mind, it is a beautiful simple space with lots of natural wood and stone, built in the Sussex style so it sits well in the countryside. The quality of silence there is amazing. The cloisters are usually a peaceful place to sit too, but today the rain had driven in and everything was wet and dank.

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