
By ausmossie

Not Exactly "Father and Son"

We went to the fabric market today to order suits for the big Annual School Dinner in 2 weeks. It was a new experience for me and just amazing. We went to three or four buildings looking for the one that we wanted. All of them were enormous and filled with stall after stall of fabric and buttons and zips and everything you need to make clothes or curtains or sheets or whatever..

My suit wil be a dark blue affair. Three piece.. hand made, taylored to measure for the princely sum of 347 yuan (about 33 Euros).

On the counter, I saw this.. An abacus (well used) and a calculator.. I immediately thought of the "Father and Son" assignment.. but I think I have missed the cut off..

Oh well.. Still a good blip none the less.

Maybe I will blip the finished product as well.

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