Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Funky Lockers

Well, what a day. Life continues apace!

I got up at 5.15 this morning to get ready to go for a job interview, which included teaching a lesson, and various other activities, including looking round the brand new school building! These are some of the lockers that the students will be able to use!

The result of all my efforts has been SUCCESS! I GOT THE JOB! I'm absolutely delighted and very excited - I shall start there in April! Wow!

I can't stop now because I have a million and one things to do from this end. I am going to have to look at my internet life quite carefully though - the school have said they will help with this.

I suspect I may have to lock twitter, ensure fb is at the highest security level, and make my blog members only. I shall have to contact blipfoto to see if there is any way of securing this site.

What I do know is that life is changing VERY quickly and very drastically!

Who could have imagined all this a year ago? Certainly not me!

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