The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

A family portrait

200 blips, I never expected to keep going this long.

It was also a lot harder than I expected to arrange these lights into something that looked vaguely like a two and two zeros. Sorry, could do better.

I won't make a long speech, I did that for the 100th. When I first registered with Blipfoto, it was only out of curiosity. I didn't have any real intention of blipping. I didn't think a lot about what to call my journal or what name to use for me. I've wondered since whether to change them to something that sounds more interesting, but no they will have to do.

Wifie would probably say I've become obsessive. And she'd be right. I have become obsessed by light and shadow, by layers and lines, by viewing and commenting on the journals of others, by photography.

I am still awe struck by the diversity of photographic and artistic skills that are on show every day in Blipworld. There are wonderful writers whose blips must be seen and read every day, there are some who can convey everything in a picture and a few words.

I am so grateful to all the lovely people who take the trouble to view and comment on my blips, and especially those who have subscribed to my journal. Under your gentle guidance, I have learned a lot and I hope my photos have improved.

My favourite of my own blips in the last blip century was the
Ice Runner taken on 23 December during the prolonged cold spell.

Finally, thanks again to Wifie for her enduring patience and support.

ps Did no-one notice the black Bob Cat, and that the deer is actually a hare? The light is poor, all is forgiven. Oh, and I can't grow a decent beard like that, more's the pity.

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