Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Youv'e all probably seen this scene in Richard's journal already. here's my take on the pier with the Vital Spark and the Arctic Penguin berthed there as tourist attractions.

Busy day today , had to nip up to Inveraray for some food shopping at the local supermarket , got visitors today so needed a quick stock up. Got a quick shot of the boats before heading home, hand held , no tripod for a change.

Also headed to Balfron tonight to pick up family who will be coming back up to stay overnight for an orthodontist appointment in Lochgilphead tomorrow. Yes , you got it , the hospital clinic also operates on a Sunday , means teenagers don't need to miss school . Not that they would be all that worried , more parents concern I think.

Anyway, because of all this have very little time to myself so I am on just now before everyone arrives. Will try to have a peek at other blips while I can.

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