In-between the seconds

By Lisalou

Would you like a nice cup of tea?

I miss this question, nobody asks that in France. Café? yes, never tea.

When I first moved here in 2000, I lived in the 11th arrondissment in Paris and worked in the centre ,Rue de rivoli. I would go to the local Café for a tea.

The first time my tea arrived the water wasn't boiled, just hot, the tea was in a sachet still in the envelope on the side of the cup, that wasn't even china and had not been warmed. You can imagine that by the time you got your tea, the waiter saying hello the everyone, ( not smiling of course) got the tea bag out of it's envelope and put it in the very-nearly-warm water, it just was not worth drinking.

I worked there two years so we had time to perfect the task in hand. I do like a good cuppa.

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