more difficult in practise

It's now a week since I was off with the vomiting lurgey but my food intake is still well below what it was and as a result I've been putting off a lunch engagement until I would be able to handle the lunch component without feeling like it was a big mistake. I felt almost dodgily-bellied this morning to wonder if it was wise to go to work but felt a little better on the ride in and had to sit in a sufficiently hunched-forward position at my desk to sufficiently coddle my insides into behaving. I was still feeling weird at lunchtime but managed a dry roll and an apple, though felt weird again in the evening, again slightly mitigated by the ride home. I was just set to pop out again in the evening when the wingpiglet honked up everything he'd eaten since waking (or at least some components from every meal since waking... perhaps apricots are very slowly-digested in infants) in a two-part exercise which covered his sheets, his wee elephant/blanket toy thing and Agnieszka's monkey, his sleeping bag thing, the back of his head and Nicky's front. It was probably best that it all came out as from the smell of it it wasn't particularly happy to be inside him. Unfortunately not all the infected person- and bed-clothing could fit into the washing machine at once and had to be sealed in bags beside it so that walking into the kitchen in the morning would not require the walker to either hold their breath or be made to feel sick themselves.

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