d a y s o f l i g h t

By marika

3 6 5 ... In A Row!

Here I am, it's been a great journey through one photogenic year. I've made new website friends and I've made new real life friends too through the amazing BlipWorld. We've had some Blip-meets in Helsinki and we have created a FB group called SuomiBlip to make the contacting other Finnish Blippers easier.
I'd like to think my photography sklils have gotten better during this year. It's impossible to break through excellent and well rated Blip every day, but I sure am proud of few shots I've taken during this year.

The last 3 months or so have been a real struggle, the dark winter takes it's toll. I haven't been active at all around this forum, but it doesn't mean that I don't think highly of you, fellow Blippers. I still browse through your Blips, some days more than the others. I don't comment much, I just don't have enough time on my hands right now.

I will be continuing this Blip-miracle, but probably not on a daily basis anymore.

Thank you all, My Dear Blip Friends!


Here are few of my favourite moments from last year:
The Art Of Showing Dog
Winter Sun
Night View Part 2
Arctit Tit
Rock Dust Light Star
Snowy Lake
Just A Hint Of Sun
Whooper Swans In The Morning Mist
Staff Love
Daisy Love
The Dog Whisperer
Black Grouse Lekking Part 3

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