signs of spring

Studied. All day long. Exam in the afternoon. Finally.
Studied after exam. Cleaned apartment in preparation for Elle's arrival tonight.

I noticed a few days ago that there were new shoots from my pot. These guys had survived a month without water and several hard freezes. I decided to reward them with water. Good job, guys. You'll persevere through anything.

I would say Thank God, It's Friday.. but I have to study this weekend. I want a weekend OFF without pressure of an exam.
Compliance is the ability of a vessel to hold more fluid. Venous compliance is the ability of the veins to hold more blood in the periphery. Therefore, if you decrease venous compliance, venous return increases because less blood is going to be in the periphery. It's going back to the central side. Just a note to myself. I'm in the middle of a study session and needed to write that down to understand it more clearly. I think I'll leave it.

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