Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Afternoon walk

I was looking after Dickie (the wonder dog) today. We had a short walk this morning - rather grey but quite mild.

Then I drove to the Farmers' Market at Greenhead and stocked up on the lovely food on sale. The chicken was roasted and tasted this evening - absolutely superb and so much better than the usual free range.

Did a longer walk late afternoon with Dickie. We managed to miss the rain but not the mud. Initially I was thinking how grey and muddy everything looked, but gradually I started to see the more subtle colours in the landscape. This image hopefully illustrates that. I hope you like the treatment (it is another HDR which I find brings out detail in the ploughing quite well.)

Managed to lose the house keys somewhere on the walk, so will be out retracing our steps in the morning, sigh.

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