
By heybeans


Dinner at Südøst with the boss, some colleagues and Mario Garcia, a newspaper design expert who is overseeing the redesign of the paper I work for. He has redesigned papers such as The Wall Street Journal and De Zeit, and he is an interesting person. He was born in Cuba, sent to Mexico during the Bay of Pigs because his parents thought it would all blow over, and then went to live with his uncle in Miami and put himself through school washing dishes. By that time Mexico had stopped taking Cubans and allowing them to travel to the US. The young Mario wrote a heartfelt letter to "El Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Distrito Federal, Ciudad de Mexico", and was contacted by a Mexican consul, who helped get his parents to Mexico and then to the US. Of course, every Cuban in Miami then tried the same thing but as far as he knows his was the only one that worked.

The food was superb, as was the microbrewery across the street.

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