'im indoors

By imindoors

Real Love.

In last Fridays blip, I said I'd keep you posted on my research on Amy.....
....'research' sounds a tad pompous when you consider that Wikipedia delivered everything I wanted to know.

Amy, here, is holding a letter in her tormented hands. The letter is signed Elizabeth. I assumed that to be Elizabeth I (da Virgin Queen, innit) and from that starting point I found that Amy is most probably Amy Robsart, the wife of Lord Robert Dudley.
Dudley was a bit of a twat and had eyes for the Queen, and Dudley was known to be a 'favourite' of the Queen, but they could not publicly show their desires because of Dudley's marital status.
Things get hazy here, but the letter may have been a threat of some sort in order to get rid of Amy. Anyway, it all ended up in a bit of a mess because Amy was found at the foot of a staircase with two serious head wounds and a broken neck. At the time, rumours of murder abounded so Dudley and the Queen could never be seen together again for the sake of Queenie's reputation. Recent historians, however, suggest that it was more likely to have been suicide.

The look in Amy's eyes, in this sculpture, suggests suicide to me.
!!Happy Valentine's Day!!

(in case you're wondering, the sculpture is at the halfway stage of being steam cleaned, hence clean one side and dirty the other)

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