
By HKing

Mind Blank

I literally can't remember what I did today (this is a backblip, don't worry my memory isn't that bad). Which probably means I didn't do much, hence the boring photo of even more snow. Oh well...

OHH I just remembered!
For some reason I thought I was uploading for Friday not Saturday. I must be going crazy.

Ok, so here's what I did:
I slept in, then I met one of my friends in town in the afternoon. There was this clothing shop that was giving out free tattoos all day for Valentine's Day or something. I would have been too scared to get one but my friend wanted one. Anyway, when we arrived the waiting list was huge so we gave up.
Then we went to meet another friend, and we went to the System Bolaget at 2.55. It closed at 3! On a Saturday! Clearly a crafty technique by the Swedish government to stop people in Sweden drinking alcohol.
No bother though, we went to ICA and bought beer. Two out of the three of us don't like beer (the one girl who did was German, surprise surprise).
Then we went to McDonald's to get something to eat.
Then we went back to my friends house to get ready to go out. So we drank our beer with lots of lemonade to make it nice, then we headed out.
We went to the same place as last time, which was fun. But expensive (by British standards, normal by Stockholm standards)

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