
By Viewpoint

Getting ready!

Busy, Busy! We have our event tomorrow to celebrate five years of the Primary Geography Quality Mark and we have children from many different places in the country coming to Sheffield tomorrow. The cake and the event have been organised by my colleague J and I think it's going to be a great day. (More tomorrow.)

I also had a teacher meeting this evening where I was sharing ideas for using online mapping with children. They were a lovely group and the session went very well. I even had the three Year 6 teachers getting excited about the idea of Blipfoto (we'd moved on from maps by this time).

This was my only photo today. When I saw this lovely cake I decided I'd take a photo for our records. I guess if I'd stood on a chair I might have got the bottom on too! Tired now - it will be an early start tomorrow.

I'll be back to commenting when I've got past the next very busy day (or two).

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