can I see you?

So today was the day where people remember Saint Valentine. He was the one who encouraged things be red, maybe a little white and frequently heart-shaped.

He may have been an instigator in the Chinese labour/manufacturing revolution as well. Though I might have made that up.

Mrs theWeir and I haven't really *done* valentines as a *thing* for five years or so. Not because we've been married eleven-and-a-half years. At least I hope not.

That's a good thing. Because at 08:30 today I was knee-deep in formatting some material for slides and at 20:30 I was cycling home in the deep darkness of a Monday night.

So you get a shot of a road. Somewhere between Ingliston and home.

I love Mrs theWeir for being gracious at my exorbitant lateness. And a few other things.

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