Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

One cool cat - and a bit of politics

I took some great shots today. This was the first - I hadn't even got dressed or washed - and the best. Mr Fluff beat me to the bathroom. I am trying to push to the back of my mind the fact that we may have to find new homes for him and his 2 brothers and their mum.

Now here comes the politics. Or, put your money where your mouth is. We had this van that we bought about 18 months ago from a friend. We hardly got any use out of it as no sooner did we get it fixed, it broke again. We asked around and everyone was saying: "pay me x and I'll take it off your hands".

We didn't have the money to pay to have it taken away, and as the time to renew the road tax was coming up we were getting more and more anxious. And then we discovered a great scheme called (and this might not be totally accurate - you'll need to google it) 'Give a Car Away'. They come and take away your vehicle, it costs you nothing, they do it up, sell it and you don't get the proceeds but you do get to nominate where the proceeds go to from a selection of charities. We chose the Haworth Cat Rescue, based in West Yorkshire where I am from. We would have preferred a charity supporting homeless people but that wasn't an option.

Yeah, yeah I'm sure the people running the scheme take a proportion of the proceeds but, you know what? I'd sooner give a car away to them than pay some vulture who is just waiting to prey on people who are on their uppers.

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