Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Chasing the one with the fish!

Went down to the estuary, but it wasn't the best of days!

Husband was up on the roof painting, so couldn't leave him and it took ages, so by the time I got down there the light was gone, and thick cloud had come over, and the tide was going out and the wind was up (is that enough excuses??) So it isn't sharp!!

Anyway this is the best of a bad lot - the lead caspian tern has a fish which the other tern is trying to get off him/her with a lot of threatening shrieking!

In the surrounding area there are South Island Pied Oystercatchers, and godwits. The godwits are still here, but are going into breeding plumage, and will soon be leaving for Siberia, one of the longest migration flights in the world.

In Christchurch there is a special ceremony to farewell the godwits, and when they return the cathedral bells are rung to welcome them. A few for reasons no one yet understands stay all year, and some of these even go into breeding plumage, but dont' breed.

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