So it Goes...

By marsen

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Ahhhh today was a snowday. I woke up at 7 by my mother to get ready for school. I did the routine fall back to sleep for 4 minutes, she came in again and I thought, okay time to go to school.
Well not this time... :]

Today was a sweet day, I totally chilled out.

And when I got home today I noticed some breaks in the grey clouds to see blue.
So I knew the beach would be great.
I drove down there and I hit up this shot along with 60 others.
Even though the beach had the usual very cold snow air with the negative degree win chill. But once again, this was worth it.
Then after I was done shooting photos I sat there in my car to warm up
And I turned on some
Imogen Heap
Very relaxed day, and it was needed.
Also it was cool to see a lot of old couples there at the beach sitting in their cars to watch the sunset also.

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