Life At 60°

By Lifeat60Degrees


The start of a protest march in Lerwick this morning against the plans of Viking Energy to build turbines in the north of Shetland. Both sides put forward a good case for their cause but I'm sure the government will have the final say in this. For the record the following is from the protestors web site:

What's it all about?Viking Energy Partnership want to build one of Europe's largest windfarms in the Shetland Islands. Shetland has no national grid connection. Their project for 127 turbines, each up to 145m tall, will have a detrimental impact on bird life, affect thousands of acres of fragile habitat, permanently change a historic landscape, damage quality of life for people living in and near the windfarm, and endanger community funds.

We believe the overwhelming majority of people in Shetland oppose this scheme. Supporters are very much in a minority. Initial figures from the planning authority, the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, demonstrate this.

Individuals and organisations formally objecting: 2736

Individuals and organisations expressing support: 1114

71% of responses opposed the development, 85% of all responses came from Shetland

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